Did you know? Premium Maxi-Cosi car seats come with a 10 year free accident replacement policy!
We are proud to be the first and only premium supplier of Maxi-Cosi in the Wellington region. These car seats are so fun! And comfortable! And super fun with a bajillion cool features! Read about them here!
But did you know that Maxi-Cosi have a 10 year replacement policy
Something you might not have realised is that Maxi-Cosi premium car seats also come with a 10 year accident replacement policy! That's right, our supplier ICG Dorel will fully replace your Maxi Cosi seat if you are involved in a car accident within the 10 year lifetime of the seat.
The 10 year lifetime replacement policy was one of the reasons we really wanted to stock Maxi-Cosi at Baby Box.
Because car insurance does not always cover car seats...
Did you know that if you insure your car seat, many insurance companies offer “market value” when your seat is damaged during an accident? That may mean you don’t have enough money to replace the seat with your first choice.
We saw this recently when a mum bought another premium seat (not Maxi-Cosi) which was over $500 and her insurer would only offer her $350 for the seat after an accident - even though she had years left before that seat would have expired! It’s frustrating to have to compromise.
We're parents too, and we want to sell things that parents actually want and find useful. To us, it just isn't worth it to not have the peace of mind of a full replacement following an accident - do you agree?
With so many car seats available, why go for Premium Maxi-Cosi car seats?
These seats cost a little more than some car seats, but when you have a seat that's:
- this safe,
- this convenient and easy to install,
- this attractive with beautiful limited edition colours,
- has a longer expected life span than other car seats, and
- comes with that 10 year accident replacement policy...
... the Maxi Cosi premium range is an easy and economic choice!
Come and check them out in store, and ask us about them. We are super stoked to be selling them, and we'll also let you play (promise).
What are our favourite Maxi-Cosi car seats?
Nat's fav is the Pearl, which sits atop a base that tells you if it's installed incorrectly. You literally can't stuff it up. Use the isofix, prop up the leg, and insert the seat. If you miss a step "BEEP BEEP BEEP!" This base will let you know via a built in alarm.
Nicklyn loves the Axissfix Plus. This seat can hold a newborn, all the way through to a four year old child. Ask her why the Axissfix is great for mums who have back problems or have had c-sections (fav topic alert = new friend for you, perhaps). It also has a swivelly seat, which is kind of cool to turn around. Come and try it out for yourself.
Picture from Maxi Cosi
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