June Updates - Brr, it's cold. Time for a tropical holiday!
Is it just me or has it been super duper uber cold this month?!! Luckily for me, I got to have a week off in Fiji. It was so much fun! I think it's really important to take time out every now and then. This was my first holiday since we opened Baby Box and it was so nice to be able to relax and have some fun.
New Isoki Bags in store
I know travelling is something so many of us love to do, and being away really made me appreciate how important it is to have a good bag. Which is why I'm really glad we got a new range in this month from Isoki. Isoki change bags are practical and beautiful, for mums who love fashion and love their baby too. If you haven't already, come in and have a nosy. My favourite is the backpack bag which I've already sold out of. Don't worry, we'll get some more in shortly.
Learning new skills
Here are some images we put together of the new Isoki range this month. What do you think?
I went to a locally run workshop on Instagram by Shelley Downs recently. She's a local mum who runs her business through Instagram and it was a pleasure to meet her and other business owners. Hopefully our Instagram will improve as we learn more about this amazing tool.
That's one fun thing about small business - you get to learn a lot of new things. At the moment we're trying to learn about Instagram and also Facebook Messenger. These social tools provide amazing ways for us to connect with and reach you guys. I love that we can show off cool products on Instagram and that we can continue to provide excellent customer support through Messenger.
New way to order
Speaking of Facebook Messenger... We have some cool news to share!!! Which is that you guys can now order through Facebook Messenger! And no, I don't mean "message us and we'll direct you to the website, or set it aside in store", I mean for real you can browse, shop, order and buy entirely inside the Facebook Messenger app! How neat is that?
New order in from Bumbleride
Speaking of NEW... Our latest order arrived from Bumbleride. This time we ordered carry cots, and they are awesome. I love the colour options and the convenience. If I was travelling with a baby I would definitely want to have a carrycot stroller attachment because it makes life so much easier as you can use it like a portacot if you need to.
Speaking of strollers, we also launched Edwards & Co...
The highlight of the month was launching Edwards & Co into our range. These strollers are SO VERSATILE! We love them. Do come in and have a looksie yourself.
We were so glad Mark could help us launch the range, even though he had a new baby at home. He came all the way down just to see us and to help us learn about the product so we'd be able to answer all of your questions. We're really excited about being the Wellington retailer for Edwards & Co and we hope we do the team there proud.
It was also amazing to be able to run a sweet giveaway over on Facebook for an Oscar G3 stroller. We learnt so much from this giveaway as it was our first giveaway were we used Facebook messanger to help us sign everyone up into it. We sent everyone a message when we did the draw, and announced on Facebook Live.
It was also our first time using Lives so that was a big learning curve for us (the timing of getting our messages out, and the Live up, was the most tricky - that's what Nat was doing on the laptop during the Live video!)
If you haven't already - go check out our announcement - you can see a little of the shop and see how nervous we are too (we don't mind making fun of it, and had a few wines after). But the best part was giving the stroller away to Sera, who was so lovely when she came in to pick it up.
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