Safety 1st OnBoard 35 LT Capsule Car Seat - Steel
It's difficult to choose between capsules. We think the Safety 1st onBoard™35 LT is worth considering over others primarily for its longevity. We love that it fits babies for longer than most other capsules, and that it has a 8 year life-span (some capsules only have 5 years before they expire). Great value for families who plan on growing!
Parents love:
- Being able to rear-face their baby from 1.8 kg - 15.9 kg. Just to compare, the average newborn is between 3 and 4 kg, so this is quite a large range comparative to other seats. Rear-facing is safer for babies than forward-facing.
- Side Impact Protection keeps your baby safe from lateral collisions.
- 4 harness heights are spaced just right for a better fit.
- Extra newborn support with head and body inserts for your baby's comfort.
- One pull gives baby a secure fit and is easy for you too.
- An adjustable base means you can achieve the right fit to your car without flaffing around with extra towels etc.
- Machine washable and dryer safe seat pad.
- Lightweight and easy to carry - save your back.
- QuickClick® ensures car seat attaches securely to stroller with one simple click.
- LATCH equipped.
- Airplane ready.