Our Little Sprouts Giving Tree
We are so excited to let you know that we have signed up to be part of the Little Sprouts Giving Trees program this year. Working together we can change the lives of babies in real need this Christmas AND help over 45 charities across Wellington!
How Does The Little Sprouts Giving Tree Work?
You can bring in donations of new baby/infant items and gifts for mum for Little Sprouts to our tree at Baby Box.
The tree will be here until December 15th. Little Sprouts will then come and pick up your donations and they will all go into life-changing baby boxes for families in real need.
These life-changing boxes will be given for FREE to vulnerable babies by social workers at charities like: Birthright, the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Trust, the Women's Refuge, the Neonatal Trust, Family Start programs, the Red Cross, Barnardos, the City Mission, the Salvation Army, Evolve Youth Service, the House of Grace, VIBE, and many more!
What Can You Donate?
You can donate any NEW baby or infant items (prem up to age 1) and NEW gifts for mum. They are grateful for all donations.
If you have excellent condition second hand baby and infant items, you can donate those as well directly to Little Sprouts at any time - here at Baby Box we will be happy to pass these on to them as well. However, let us know about this so we can let Little Sprouts know the items are second hand.
What do they need most?
Little Sprouts let us know that the items in Kāpiti that they currently need the most are:
- gifts for mum: toiletries - hand lotion, body wash, moisturiser, lip balm etc, make up, chocolate
- nappy bags
- baby sunscreen
- bum balm
- bottles
- clothing 0-12 months
- bedding: cotton bassinet and cot sheet sets
Although obviously anything and everything is greatly appreciated!
Who does this go to?
Little Sprouts sent us the following example:
"One of the many families we are helping at the moment is a wee baby with significant heart issues. This wee love is just being released from hospital after months of treatment and requires ongoing care. This baby's family is really struggling. They have other young children and the Dad had to take so much time off to look after them that he lost his job."
"This family does not have the funds to provide the essentials this baby needs and it is so important that this baby receives quality, safe items to ensure this wee one can recover and stay healthy. This family was referred to us by Heart Kids NZ, Taeaomanino Trust and the Wellington hospital social workers who are all providing ongoing support."
"We will be providing not only a huge life-changing baby pack, but also a double stroller, sleeping space, extra nappies and more. Given the extreme need of this family we will also be providing help for the other children too. Because of support like yours we can tailor the help to meet the needs of every family and really ensure that we make a huge difference to their baby's life. We are now providing this level of support to over 500 families in Wellington each year and we continue to grow each year."
Want to Learn More?
If you'd like more information about what to donate or Little Sprouts you can email them at littlesproutsgiving@gmail.com and learn more at: www.facebook.com/LittleSproutsNZ/ and www.littlesproutsnz.org
Follow their Facebook page to see more updates about the Giving Trees and also the babies and charities they are helping.
Thanks so much, it makes a huge difference!
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