Are cloth nappies better for nappy rash?
Are cloth nappies better at preventing nappy rash than disposables? This is the million dollar question.
And guess what? There's no clear answer. It's yes and no. I know, I know, you came here for answers. But seriously, it will all come down to the nappy you are using and the kind of rash you're dealing with.
When is cloth worse for nappy rash?
If your child has a bacterial infection, we'd suggest not using cloth as you don't want anything to sit in your cloth nappies and re-infect baby.
Similarly, if you are using traditional cloth squares you could make nappy rash worse as the nappy could become too wet or not allow baby's bottom to breathe enough.
When is cloth better for nappy rash?
One of the biggest benefits of cloth is that it is chemical free. If your child has become sensitive to the additives and gels found in most disposables then seriously consider cloth as a viable alternative.
Modern cloth nappies in particular may reduce nappy rash in comparison with traditional cloth nappies or disposables because of this.
Features to look for in a cloth nappy which will assist in preventing nappy rash:
The following features will help your little one stay as dry as possible, and this in turn will help prevent rashes and discomfort.
- A stay dry fleece liner to keep baby's bottom nice and dry.
- Natural fibre - such as bamboo - is gentler on sensitive bottoms.
- Microfleece is also useful as it is more absorbent.
- A breathable cover.
- And if using overnight... an overnight booster to increase absorbency.
What else can you do to help prevent nappy rash?
The number one thing you can do is regularly change your baby's nappy. If you are using a more sustainable cloth nappy option, you might find it easier to tell your baby is wet. However, some parents fare better with disposables because there's less laundry to worry about. The convenience may mean the nappy is changed more often. Horses for courses people, go with what works.
Barrier creams or antiseptic lotions can also assist. Your baby may have certain creams or lotions that work better for them. Some parents use all natural coconut oil or beeswax options like Tui Bee Balm, while others opt for Bepanthan or Sudocream. Use what works for your baby and your family.
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