Infasecure Visage Astra Booster Car Seat
The Infasecure Visage Astra is a Convertible Booster Seat that is suitable for children aged approximately to 8 years. Visage is first used as a harnessed car seat with the in-build six point harness. Once the child’s shoulder meets the middle shoulder height marker, the Visage converts into a Booster Seat used with the vehicle’s lap & sash seatbelt.
Visage features an adjustable, locking headrest. This headrest enables it to grow with your child. In Booster Seat mode, it is the tallest Booster Seat on the Australian market. This means children will get more use out of Visage than any other Booster Seat.
Visage also includes a new advanced buckle. The new buckle independently locks each buckle tongue separately, unlike traditional buckles that require you to insert both tongues to engage the lock. This helps eliminate situations where a buckle isn’t engaged and may pop out.
The Visage features Air Cocoon Technology™ (A.C.T.). This enhances side impact protection through blow moulding design. This dramatically reduces the impact forces during a crash. The headrest side wings act like airbags, which reduce the forces on your child’s head in a side-impact accident. No need for add-on pads or cushions.
The easy-care Active Fabric™ covers on the Visage are hard wearing, cool and breathable. The machine-washable, press-stud covers are easily removed for cleaning. Astra covers are as beautiful as they are practical and are available in three fresh colours.