Stop putting yourself at the bottom of the list!
There’s this trope around mothers in particular, and it’s sexist AF. This cliche stereotype of a woman who puts everyone else’s needs above her own. The worst part is we buy into it. Every time we don’t do that small thing that would help us out, give us joy, or make us feel human. Every time we refuse to ask for help. Every time we think that’s what we have to do, to be a “good mum”.
That isn’t what your family needs, or wants. It can even be dangerous. So I’m here to tell you to cut that out.
Here’s what I can help you with, get in touch if this is what you need:
💜 installing your car seat
💜 hiring a car seat for visitors
💜 finding a beautiful nappy bag that makes you feel good
💜 sorting the best breast pump so you can cut down on your expressing time
💜 sorting bottles baby can take
💜 selecting a carrier or a stroller that will allow you to get out for some fresh air
If it isn’t what you need right now that’s okay. Do me a favour and take a look at your long to do list. Then go and do what you need to for you, first.
I feel so strongly about this that it's going to become a message that starts to be associated with Baby Box when we post online. My core values, reflecting through in these messages this year:
- Stop putting yourself last
- Reject the supermum trope
- You are still a good parent
- Let's call out the mum shamers
💜 Follow me on Instagram if you need more reminders in your life 💜
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