Should New Zealand require car seats to have alarms to alert parents when children are left in cars?
Did you know that car seats in Italy must have alarms to alert parents when they leave children in the car?
It's a really interesting concept to me, and one that actually I think we should consider adopting in New Zealand - particularly when it comes to very young children.
Personally, I have never liked leaving my babies in the car when I'm out. I worry too much.
There are a few exceptions though where I wonder if the alarm would be annoying? Like when their dad or another adult is in the car. Or, if I can physically see them from where I am. Some times it feels safer to leave the kids in the car when you're just popping out of the car to pay for petrol or to get cash from an ATM.
The reason the new rules in Italy that came into effect late last year, was to prevent deaths by over-heating. It's a great reminder for all countries really on those risks. (Check out our earlier blog post on strategies to prevent overheating).
The tragic stories of mum or dad rushing to work, tired and sleep deprived, and forgetting their sleeping bub are too frequent. Hell, once a year is too much. Once a decade is too much. I hate those stories.
If this could help, even if it is a little inconvenient at times, then maybe we should follow suit here in New Zealand too?
Would love to know your thoughts - let me know, are you for or against New Zealand adopting this piece of legislation around car seats?
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