Come see us at the Baby Expo!
We have made the decision this year to go to the Wellington Baby Expo! It's our first time going to this one, and it's the biggest one we've ever been too, so we are a tad nervous, but really really excited!
Wellington Baby Expo details:
when Sat and Sun 4 and 5 May 2019
where Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua
how much tickets currently free, but will go up soon (come visit us in the shop as we have a final few available in store)
What will be there?
There are a range of all sorts of exhibitors, from daycares, family photographers, baby swimming lessons, through to of course BABY SHOPS and people who make awesome baby gear!
We're pretty buzzed that some of our stockists will be there too! Maybe we'll also meet some potential new ones?
What are the specials?
You will have to come and find out!
For those who can't make it we will also have a sale going in store at Baby Box over the weekend and will be passing on the show specials, so head in to the shop if you can't head in to the expo.
Who should you definitely go see?
Um, Baby Box!! Haha. But seriously. We will all be there at some point.
Nat will also be giving a presentation on How to Save Money on Baby Gear at 1.15 pm both days so if you can, please do head along for that and show her some love.
This talk is not to be missed and will cover:
- How to save $ on carseats
- How to save $ on strollers
- How much $ you can save when you choose cloth nappies
- WINZ quotes
- And other tools to help you manage your purchase within a budget
She is covering a lot in the half hour, and even just one of her tips could end up saving you some serious cash - so head along!
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